About CyberVM IP Stresser

CyberVM IP Stresser & Booter is an online collection of tools made to help webmasters, IT and cyber experts around the world to analyze their own servers, websites firewall and internet configuration, stress tests them using the smartest techniques and receives a live report online, Therefore the usage of CyberVM is one hundred percent legal and should not be abused. CyberVM is the first to encrypt the user's data online and does not save any cryptography keys which means your information is always safe!

Purchasing membership plan at CyberVM is easy and fully automatic, once the payment is confirmed your account will be instantly activated. We only accept Bitcoin/Litecoin/Monero/Ethereum as a payment method.

High Quality IP Stresser

CyberVM is not like any other stress testing services on the market, We have professional cyber experts team with tons of experience, custom coded panel, dedicated attack Servers, 20+ attack methods, affordable prices, 24/7 support and unique features.

Attack Power

At CyberVM we can actually guarantee that you will get more power than any other IP Stresser on the market can get you.

Real Bypass Attack Methods

Tired of wasting money on fake stressers? CyberVM is legit! We offer REAL layer 4/7 bypass methods which means you can test protected websites/servers like "Cloudflare", "Sucuri", "Incapsula/Imperva", "OVH", "NFO" and etc..


Why Choose CyberVM Stresser?

CyberVM staff has many years of experience in the IT, Cyber and much more, Choosing our products will be one of the best things you can do for your business since our support here for you 24/7, we have the most advanced tools around the web and the most important thing is that everything we have is 100% unique!

Affordable Membership Plans

Our membership plans are fully customized, you can choose between how much attack methods you need and how much concurrents or boot-time will fit for you. We are doing our best to offer our customers the most flexible package a IP Stresser can possibly offer for your convenience.

24/7 Support

For your convenience, Our support agents waiting to answer questions and help customers around the clock all day long. We believe that customers care is the most important thing a business can invest in so we did our best to make the best one you will see.

Advanced Attack Methods

One of our popular advantages is that we got a full range of attack methods available for any member, It doesn't matter if you need a Layer4, Layer7 Stress testing or to stress test a CDN network - We got you covered.


Data Encryption & Privacy:

Every data saved, every action a user take, everything being encrypted and saved in the database fully protected.

Unique Methods:

CyberVM has the most recent methods, most of our methods are unique and can easily Stress Test hard-to-take targets without any problem.

Fully Autobuy System:

Our system will do all the exchange actions needed automatically, you just need to send some Bitcoin/Litecoin/Monero/Ethereum and it will be credited to your account automatically.

Servers Across The Globe:

CyberVM have servers across the globe which allows users to take targets down easily even if they are GEO IP protected.

DDoS Attack Methods

Layer-4 methods can be used against datacenters, home connections, firewalls, game servers, protected servers, for example, OVH, Voxility and many more.

Layer-7 methods can be used against against websites, web apps, load balancers, Bypass Cloudflare, Incapsula and many more CDN services.

Method Description Type
HTTP-RAW HTTP-RAW: Using Advanced HTTP Client with custom features to send high quality flood. Layer 7
HTTP-SOCKET HTTP-RAW-SOCKET: Using Advanced HTTP Client with custom features to send high quality flood from different proxy pool that able to send a lot of requests per second. Layer 7
HTTP-ENGINE [BYPASS] HTTP-ENGINE: Using real browsers to bypass ddos protection challanges (JS/Captcha). Layer 7
UDP MIX Unique method which mix ALL CyberVM UDP attack methods per one attack. (Mix only udp attack methods that available to your membership plan). Layer 4
UDP DNS [POWERFUL] Unique attack method that flooding the target with a lot of UDP-DN packets. This method generate high raw power in terms of Gbps. Layer 4
UDP SNMP Unique attack method that flooding the target with a lot of UDP-SN packets. This method generate medium raw power in terms of Gbps. Layer 4
UDP DVR Spoofed UDP flood for OVH servers that sending random data within the UDP packet. *This method require HIGH power which means you need to use few concurrents. Layer 4
TCP AMP v2 [POWERFUL] TCP Amplification flood that sending SYN-ACK within the TCP packet using TCP Reflectors - can be used to bypass some firewalls or cause a high CPU load for some servers Layer 4
TCP SYN v1 Spoofed TCP-SYN flood that sending syn packets with tcp-options within the packet. Open TCP Port is recommended to use. Layer 4
TCP SYN v2 Spoofed TCP-SYN v2 flood that sending syn packets with tcp-options within the packet. Open TCP Port is recommended to use. Layer 4
TCP ACK Spoofed TCP-ACK flood that sending ack packets with tcp-options within the packet. Open TCP Port is recommended to use. Layer 4
TCP FAST OPEN Spoofed TCP-TFO flood that sending syn&syn-ack packets with TCP FAST OPEN option within the packet. Layer 4
RAW UDP [BIG PACKETS] Spoofed UDP flood that sending random big packets to achieve more bandwidth. Can be used to bypass some firewalls or cause a high CPU load for some servers Layer 4
RAW UDP [PPS] Spoofed UDP flood that sending random small packets to achieve max packets per seconds as possible. Can be used to bypass some firewalls or cause a high CPU load for some servers Layer 4
Random Protocols Random IP Protocol flood that sending random IP protocol with random data in each packet, can be used to bypass protected servers/hosting. Layer 4
Valve [GameServers] VSE flood that sending specific payloads - can be used against Valve Source Engine servers (cs, csgo, etc..) Layer 4


Here are some answers to popular questions we hear a lot

What is a DDoS attack?

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is when an attacker, or attackers, attempt to make it impossible for a service to be delivered. This can be achieved by thwarting access to virtually anything: servers, devices, services, networks, applications, and even specific transactions within applications. In a DoS attack, it’s one system that is sending the malicious data or requests; a DDoS attack comes from multiple systems. Generally, these attacks work by drowning a system with requests for data. This could be sending a web server so many requests to serve a page that it crashes under the demand, or it could be a database being hit with a high volume of queries. The result is available internet bandwidth, CPU and RAM capacity becomes overwhelmed.

a IP Stresser is a DDoS-For-Hire service used in an online panel and will let you "stress", "boot" or check your server against attacks.
The main idea of the tool is to flood with heavy traffic (the type of traffic you choose) against your target and check the stability of it. We have the most advanced methods in the market (many of them developed by us) so you can enjoy a really powerful and affordable IP Stresser.

  1. Volume-based attacks use massive amounts of bogus traffic to overwhelm a resource such as a website or server. They include ICMP, UDP and spoofed-packet flood attacks. The size of a volume-based attack is measured in bits per second (bps).
  2. Protocol or network-layer DDoS attacks send large numbers of packets to targeted network infrastructures and infrastructure management tools. These protocol attacks include SYN floods and Smurf DDoS, among others, and their size is measured in packets per second (PPS).
  3. Application-layer attacks are conducted by flooding applications with maliciously crafted requests. The size of application-layer attacks is measured in requests per second (RPS).

For each type of attack, the goal is always the same: Make online resources sluggish or completely unresponsive.

Layer 7 or application layer DDoS attacks attempt to overwhelm network or server resources with a flood of traffic (typically HTTP traffic). An example would be sending thousands of requests for a certain webpage per second until the server is overwhelmed and cannot respond to all of the requests. Another example would be calling an API over and over until the service crashes. Typically, layer 7 DDoS attacks are more complex than other kinds of DDoS attacks.

You don`t need anything but a little bit of Bitcoin/Litecoin/Monero/Ethereum and a target to stress test, our website will do all the rest for you. Got any further questions? Contact us and we will answer ASAP.

Your secrets are kept with us, CyberVM is the first to encrypt the user's data online and does not save any cryptography keys which means your information is always safe!

CyberVM staff has many years of experience in the IT, Cyber and much more, Choosing our products will be one of the best things you can do for your business since our support is here for you 24/7, we have the most advanced tools around the web and the most important thing is that everything we have is 100% unique!

What about the future?

Our tool is collecting anonymous data across the globe to learn and create a dataset, this dataset will be used within few months to create a very accurate AI-based Stressing solution so you will be able to stress with mind-free - it will predict and learn from every stress test and let you know the exact method you need to take down your target.

Not at all! CyberVM has been created so everyone included those that do not have that kind of knowledge to use the website as easily as possible.

We are currently offer:
- 24/7 Support for any needs.
- Automatic Payment.
- Smart Analysing tool
- Layer4 Amplification methods & Raw Power (Can be used against datacenters, home connections, firewalls, game servers, etc).
- Custom attack methods that specializing in stress testing protected servers, for example, OVH, Voxility and many more.
- Layer7 Amplification methods & Raw Power (Can be used against websites and load balancers).
- Bypass Cloudflare, Incapsula and many more CDN services.
- Live Statistics about your attack.

a VIP package is an account having a membership that allowing him to stress test with priority using our special servers which means accounts with that kind of membership will enjoy more power, more methods, and more fun!

Stress testing service has been created to help webmasters, IT and cyber experts around the world to analyze their own servers, websites firewall, and internet configuration and actually it allows you to:
- Check your website/server/firewall/load balancer configuration to see how it deals with heavy traffic.
- Test if your product can work with low latency under heavy traffic.
- See how your product is handling hackers' attacks that do want to take your business down.
- Help you fight against hackers attack by testing your product under unusual situations and use our analyzing tools to migrate it.
- Avoid downtimes by testing your website or server once in a while.
- Maintenance your product correctly with our smart tools.
- Low-cost and efficient Stress-testing tool.
- See how your product reacts to heavy load around coming across the globe and handle it correctly.

The main idea behind CyberVM

With a high focus on privacy, power, and customers care - CyberVM aims for the highest standards in the market. Our staff is combined with a lot of cyber & IT professionals making it the best team out there. After a long developing time, we`ve created a statistical system that can know what method you should use in realtime by analyzing your target and predicting using other users' anonymous data. Give it a try, we know you won't regret it.